Monday, April 25, 2011

Wàchale!: Poetry and Prose About Growing Up Latino in America edited by Ilan Stavans

Wachale!: Poetry And Prose About Growing Up Latino In America

The title of this book, Wàchale! means watch out! in Spanglish.  This title is appropriate because the whole book is about bringing attention to the Hispanic culture in America.  Wàchale!:Poetry and Prose About Growing Up Latino in America edited by Ilan Stavans and is an anthology of poetry, prose, short stories, and letters, all written by Hispanic authors about being Latino in a very different American culture.  He embraces the language of the Latino culture by leaving all of the Spanish in the pieces that he selects to include in this anthology.  The combination of Spanish and English is representative of the combination of cultures that Hispanic people face when growing up in America. 

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